
Waterford STEM Academy is open to 9th - 12th grade students. This program meets the eligibility criteria for Earth Science, Biology, Physics, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and/or a fourth credit in mathematics and science. Additionally, there is a Project Development Academic Center period for collaborative work time which will afford students a three-hour block of time at the STEM Academy. STEM students will work in a state-of-the-art facility comprised of classroom areas, presentation areas, and space for project development. Enrollment is by application only.

The application window for the 2020-2021 school year is closed. Please inquire if you have interest in our program or questions about future application timelines.

If you are not a Waterford Schools student, but are interested in STEM, you may be eligible through Waterford STEM Academy Limited Schools of Choice, which is open to 9th - 12th grade students who reside in Oakland County. Interested students must complete the STEM application and wait for acceptance before completing the Schools of Choice Application.

If accepted, the Schools of Choice application must be returned to:
Central Enrollment, Kurzman Administration Services
501 N. Cass Lake Road
Waterford, MI, 48328

The application window for the STEM Academy for the 2020-2021 school year is closed. The application link remains live, however, as we may have additional enrollment before the school year begins. Please inquire if you have interest in our program or questions about future application timelines. Please note that acceptance as a Schools of Choice student requires two separate applications. The Schools of Choice application window for STEM is from August 5 – September 3, 2020.

If you have questions regarding STEM, please email Kevin Kokoska at KokosK01@wsdmi.org
