
Dear Kingsley Montgomery Community,

Welcome to Kingsley Montgomery School (KMS), home of the Wildcats! We are an Oakland County Intermediate School District Center Program operated by the Waterford School District. KMS is located in the geographic center of Oakland County and has a current capacity of 140 students. Established in 1979, KMS underwent a significant building redesign and upgrade in 2010 to better meet the needs of the students in Oakland County. At KMS, we have three distinct programs for students with challenges related to Severe Multiple Impairments, Severe Cognitive Impairments, as well as those with significant behavioral and emotional needs. Students in the SXI program range in age from 3 years old to 26 years of age. The SCI program is for students beginning in middle school and continuing through the post-high school years. The EI program is a K-12 school where students can work to earn a diploma or opt to receive a certificate of completion. Students access our school through a referral process that begins in the resident district in which the student is currently enrolled and requires placement by an IEP team decision.

As the principal, it is my privilege to be the leader of a welcoming educational community, where each student has the opportunity to thrive. The students at KMS all have unique needs that are addressed by a comprehensive team of professionals who work with parents, care givers, and community supports through the implementation of an Individualized Educational Program. The staff at KMS, which include teachers, social workers, psychologists, therapists and paraprofessionals, are highly specialized in order to address the varied needs of our students. Each day we work to achieve the goal of providing students with the best educational experience possible, while preparing them for returning to their home school, or for the challenges they will meet when their formal education is complete.


John Gregory



John Gregory
Kingsley Montgomery School


Angela Hollis
Kingsley Montgomery School
Dawn Jacobsen
Kingsley Montgomery School
Rondalynn Ondusky
Kingsley Montgomery School