Principal's Welcome

Greetings Waterford Mott High School Families,

It is with honor and great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 academic school year. As the newly appointed principal, you should know that I am committed to collaborating with staff, students, families, and other key stakeholders to enhance the educational experiences of the children we service. Together, we will establish and maintain an academic culture that dictates that students achieve at a high level. At the same time, they will obtain the social skills necessary to flourish at school, within the communities in which they live, and globally upon graduation.

During the 2024-2025 school year, our highest priority will be improving student outcomes in an environment that is free from stress and conducive to academic success. Thus, we ask that you assist us as we hold students accountable to the following: being active participants in the learning process; building strong relationships with their teachers, support staff, and peers; and crafting post-secondary plans geared toward college readiness and/or the acquisition of a skilled trade. In turn, you can expect staff performance to reflect the highest degrees of integrity, professionalism, and customer service.

We firmly believe that parents/guardians are the first and most influential educators in the lives of students. Therefore, it is imperative that the bond between home and school is both solid and supportive. If we prove to be a united front, then the sky will be the limit as it relates to what our young Corsairs will accomplish. That said, thank you in advance for entrusting your child/children to our care. Should you have any questions/concerns, and/or require additional information regarding the upcoming school year, do not hesitate to reach out to me either by phone or via email. As a reminder, you may also access the Waterford School District website, which provides district and school updates on a continual basis.

I look forward to embarking on this new journey with you. Let’s make it a great year, by demonstrating through our collective efforts, that WE run this ship!


Kristen Woods-Helms


High School Principal

Kristen Woods-Helms
Mott High School

High School Assistant Principal

Polly Crosley
Mott High School
Christina Harding
Mott High School

Director, Athletics

Assistant Director, Athletics

Director, Activities


Nichole Daly
Mott High School
Kimberly Grinnell
Mott High School
Andrea Mata
Mott High School
Lisa Morris
Mott High School
Karilynn Tarajos
Mott High School
Lynette Todd
Mott High School