Winter Charity Week
Thank you for considering supporting our great cause.
Join Us - Get Involved!
Charity Week is about our students, staff and community, supporting quality organizations with a mission to help and serve others. This week includes a series of fun events/activities in the spirit of raising money for good causes. This year, we are supporting our MASC/MAHS State charity: Kesem Camp. They committed to creating a world where every child who has a parent with a cancer diagnosis or has lost a parent to cancer is never alone. We support these children through and beyond their parent’s cancer with free, fun-filled creative programs and a lasting community.
Please see the information below for the Spirit Week outlined by Student Council & Leadership teams:
Please consider helping out! We are in need of volunteers!
We are still in the process of sorting out details of how teachers may help during their classes.
Spirit Week
- Monday, 2/3: Mismatch
- Tuesday, 2/4: Athlete vs. Mathlete
- Wednesday, 2/5: Family Photos
- Thursday, 2/6: Groutfit
- Friday, 2/7: Pajama / Tournament Dress
Dodgeball Tournament
- WHEN: Friday, February 7, 2025, the 1.5 final hours of the school day.
- DETAILS & HOW TO FORM A TEAM: Students will have the option to pay to play or watch. Game start time will be approximately 1:15pm in the South Gym. Students may pay to play or watch the game. Players and spectators: $5 each. Teams have 7 players each. Player forms/permission slips and tickets will be sold during lunches for $5.
- Print copies of forms below are located in Room 105.
- All forms must be returned to Room 105 by February 4, 2025.
- 1 permission slip required per player
- 1 team form required per team
Upcoming Events/Opportunities to Support:
- Donuts and snacks sold between hours 1-3 this week for $2 each