Within the Business Services Department, and under the direction of the Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, Purchasing Services orchestrates the procurement of all assets, construction, equipment, instructional materials, supplies and services. We are committed to facilitating cost effective methods and access to new business opportunities throughout our region. Our belief in competitive bidding and fair business practice will provide partnership opportunities to qualified vendors.
Vendor Registration Required
Registration is required for consideration, however it is not an assurance for inclusion in the bid and/or purchasing process. If interested in doing business complete the Vendor Registration form below and submit with a signed W9 to PurchasingServices@wsdmi.org. Please keep your company information current with us by sending modifications to this email address.
Competitive Bid Process
According to the revised Michigan School Code, the State of Michigan annually designates a base amount above which school districts must obtain competitive bids. In addition to our website, all Invitations to Bid for construction, equipment and food service will be advertised in the Oakland Press and posted on BidNetDirect/MITN.
Waterford School District has partnered with BidNet as part of the MITN Purchasing Group to post bid opportunities to this site. As a vendor, you can register with the MITN Purchasing Group and be sure that you see all available bids and opportunities. By selecting automatic bid notification, your company will receive emails once Waterford School District has a bid opportunity that matches your company's business. In addition, the site handles bid opportunities, RFPs, and RFQs for other member governmental agencies throughout Michigan.
Waterford School District looks forward to providing you with more bid information and simplifying the entire bid, proposal, and quote processes for everyone involved. We appreciate your cooperation and welcome your participation. If you need help registering, please call the MITN Purchasing Group support department toll free 1-800-835-4603 option #2.
- Waterford School District open solicitations
- Vendor Registration screen for Waterford School District
- Advertisement for Bids
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/16/2025, 11.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/10/2025, 11.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/10/2025, 10.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 12/13/2024, 10.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 12/13/2024, 9.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 11/19/2024, 11.00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 11/19/2024, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 3/6/2024, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 2/21/2024, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 2/6/2024, 2:00 PM
- Official Award with Tabulation 3/21/2024
- Advertisement to Bid - Building Enclosure Repairs
- Project Manual - Building Enclosure Repairs
- Drawings - Building Enclosure Repairs
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Walk Invitation - 1/24/2024, 10:00 AM
- Familial Relationship Disclosure
- Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certificate of Compliance
- Bid Opening Zoom Meeting Invite - Building Enclosure Repairs, 2/6/2024, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/30/2024, 2:00 PM
- Official Award with Tabulation 3/21/2024
- Advertisement to Bid - Roofing Replacement at Pierce Middle School and Kettering High School
- Project Manual - Roofing Replacement at Pierce MS and Kettering HS
- Drawings - Pierce MS
- Drawings - Kettering HS
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Walk Invitation - 1/23/2024, 10:00 AM
- Familial Relationship Disclosure
- Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certificate of Compliance
- Bid Opening Zoom Meeting Invite - Roofing Replacement at Pierce MS and Kettering HS, 1/30/2024, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/5/2024, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 1/4/2024, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 11/29/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 11/29/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 11/20/23, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 10/11/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 10/2/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 9/28/23, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 9/21/23, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 8/16/2023, 2:00 PM
- Official Award with Tabulation 10/19/2023
- Advertisement to Bid - Asbestos Abatement at Stepanski Early Childhood Center
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Walk Through Invite - 8/9/2023, 4:30 PM
- Familial Relationship Disclosure
- Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certification of Compliance
- Bid Opening Zoom Invite - Asbestos Abatement - Stepanski 8/16/2023, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 8/3/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 8/7/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 4/21/2023, 2:00 pm
- Invitation to Bid - Due 4/10/2023, 2:00 pm
- Official Award with Tabulation 4/20/23
- Advertisement to Bid - Amendment to Opening Date
- Addendum - Bid Opening Zoom Invite 4/10/2023, 2:00 PM
- Advertisement to Bid - 2023 Roof Replacements - Pierce, Mott, Crary, Kettering
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting & Site Visit Invite
- Project Manual for Bid - SME #090588.01, 090588.02, 090588.03, 090588.04
- Drawings 090588.01 - Pierce
- Drawings 090588.02 - Mott
- Drawings 090588.03 - Crary
- Drawings 090588.04 - Kettering
- Familial Relationship Disclosure
- Iran Compliance Certification
- Bid Opening Zoom Invite 3/24/2023, 2:00 PM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 4/7/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation to Bid - Due 3/30/2023, 10:00 AM
- Invitation To Bid - Due 2/24/23, 2:00 PM
- Invitation To Bid - Due 1/31/23, 10:00 AM
- Invitation To Bid - Due 11/9/22, 10:00 AM
- Invitation To Bid - Due Thursday, 11/17/22, 11:00 AM
- Invitation To Bid - Due Friday, 11/4/22, 10:00 AM
The Waterford School District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or to split awards by item, or to accept bids which will, in the opinion of the Administration and the Board of Education, best serve our district.
All WSD bids are due by 2:00 p.m. on the date specified. No late bids will be accepted.
Cooperative Bids
Compliance with applicable policies, procedures, laws and regulations are monitored by Purchasing Services. We request bids at the district level, partake in cooperatives at the state and local levels, as well as consortiums with other districts. Some cooperative bid contracts we participate in are AEPA, E&I, MiDeal, Oakland County Government, Oakland Schools ISD, Oakland County School Purchasing Officials (OCSPO), Omnia Partners, National IPA and US Communities, REMC Association of Michigan, SourceWell and Wayne RESA CoProPlus.
Public Auctions
On occasion our district may conduct a public auction to promote the sale of surplus fleet vehicles, furniture and/or equipment for disposal. All items offered are "as is condition" with no guarantee or warranty included or implied. Please check our website periodically for updates to current auctions.
++ Purchasing Information & Forms - Internal
Bus+ Approver Guide
Bus+ Check Request-ICR
Bus+ Internal Funds
Bus+ New Vendor
Bus+ Punchout
Bus+ Purchase Request
Bus+ Purchase Order Closing
Bus+ Vendor Request Webform
Bus+ Year End Process
Competitive Bid Threshold Letter - Oct 2024 for FY2025
Cooperative Contracts Network-OSCCN
Familial Disclosure Statement
Iran Economic Sanctions Disclosure
P-Card Policy & Administrative Guidelines
P-Card Registration-Receipts-Reconcile.SDG2
Petty Cash Reimbursement/Closing Form
RFP Template
Sales Tax Exempt-Michigan
Sales Tax Exempt-Multi-State
TaxNotExempt IRS-501(c)(3)
Teacher Request To Purchase
Vendor Contacts-Punch-Out & Ricoh & NBF
Vendor Registration