2020 Bond Progress
On August 4, 2020, voters approved a $150-million-dollar bond. The proposal, which did not have a tax-rate increase, was aimed at enhancing the learning environment and protecting the community's investment in Waterford School District.
The bond proposal called for:
- expanding student safety and school security measures;
- upgrading classrooms, heating and cooling systems, fire alarm systems, music equipment, and athletic equipment;
- updating technology and technology infrastructure;
- replacing items that have reached the end of their life expectancy, including roofs, lighting, flooring, furniture, and school buses;
- constructing a new Early Childhood Center; and,
- renovating classrooms and media centers to safely address teacher-student interaction and collaboration.
Bond Progress Timeline
Updated January 2025
Future Projects – subject to Board approval
- Elementary playgrounds (Cooley, Haviland, Knudsen, Riverside, Schoolcraft): upgrade/refresh the infrastructure and equipment
- District HVAC Controls – update controls in buildings
- Pierce Middle School – remodeling gym, front hallway, exterior athletic areas
- Mason Middle School – remodeling gym and miscellaneous areas
- Public Address (PA) System – upgrade and replace systems
Winter 2025
- Mott High School Performing Arts Center – in progress
- Transportation Building – remodel offices, add storage – in progress
Fall 2024
- Kettering High School Performing Arts Center – completed
Summer 2024
- Elementary playgrounds (Beaumont, Donelson Hills, Grayson, Houghton): upgrade/refresh the infrastructure and equipment – completed
- Mott High School – student and bus loop parking lot replacement – completed
- Stepanski ECC – site work, parking lot and landscaping – completed
- Roofing Kettering and Mott High School, Pierce Middle School, Crary Admin
- Bus cameras – replaced cameras and added new ones
Winter 2023
- Mott High School – building improvements
- Covert Generator – to protect the technology head end during power outages – in progress
Fall 2023
- Mason Middle School: Replace track; miscellaneous athletic upgrades – completed
- Kettering and Mott High Schools – replace indoor track – completed
- Security Cameras – upgrades and additions district wide – completed
- Phone Handsets – replacement of district phones with new built-in software – completed
Summer 2023
- Kettering High School Phase Three: new water fountains with bottle fillers and renovated group bathrooms; main gym: new lights, scoreboard & cages, painted walls and ceiling, new speaker system & wireless access, bleachers updated; art rooms renovated; classroom updates - completed
- Kettering High School Site Improvements: Replacement of the main parking lot, Kettering Drive and the north ring road; new parking lot lights; and redesign of the parent and bus drop-off areas – completed
- Mott High School: new water fountains with bottle fillers; main gym: new lights, scoreboard & cages, painted walls and ceiling, new speaker system & wireless access, bleachers updated; classroom updates; secured entrance at Pontiac Lake Road – completed
- Kettering and Mott High Schools athletic upgrades: Refinish the tennis court and the athletic tracks – completed
Winter 2023
- Technology (district-wide): Interactive Displays, teacher workstations – in progress
Fall 2022
- Elementary cupola windows in the media centers: replacement – completed
- Kingsley Montgomery bus canopy roof: replacement - completed
- Paving site work at Grayson, Knudsen and Riverside elementary schools for safety reasons - completed
Summer 2022
- Kettering High School Phase Two: Classroom refreshes, bathroom updates and the main office remodel - completed
- Stepanski Early Childhood Center Phase Two: Construction of the new building – in progress
- Technology: Updating infrastructure – completed
Fall 2021
- Village Elementary: Dismantle and restore the area to grass - completed
- Stepanski Early Childhood Center Phase One: Preparation of the site for the new building - completed
Summer 2021
- Kettering and Mott high schools Performing Arts Centers: New HVAC chillers to replace the failing units - completed
- Kettering High School Phase One: HVAC upgrades, which included rooftops, ductwork, room ventilators and Building Energy Management controls, vastly expanded the building's cooling square footage. - completed
- Partial roof replacements at Mott High School, Mason Middle School, Pierce Middle School, and Crary Administration Building – completed
2016 Bond – Last project
Summer 2021
- Schoolcraft Elementary School Phase Two: Classrooms and hallways upgrades - completed.
Bond Impact by School
Bond FAQ
Is it true that there will not be an increase in the current tax rate?
Yes. If voters approve the August 4th bond proposal, the current tax rate will not increase. In fact, the tax rate is expected to remain at or below the current levy.
How can the school district raise $150 million without raising taxes?
Some of the school district’s bonds will be paid off this year. The August 4th bond will replace those bonds. Hence, the current tax rate will be extended, not increased.
Will there have to be cuts in other areas to pay for the bond projects?
No. Voter approval of the bond proposal will pay for the proposed bond projects. Budget cuts in other areas will not be necessary to fund the bond projects.
What, specifically, will be done with the bond proposal revenue?
A complete list of all the bond projects is posted on the district website.
Why did the school district vote to place the bond proposal on a special election in August?
This is not a special election. It is the date of Michigan’s August Primary. This means that the school district will not incur costs for placing the bond proposal on the ballot.
Why isn’t the bond money being used to pay teachers more?
By law, bond revenue cannot be used to pay employee salaries or fringe benefits. Bond revenue may only be used for items specified in the ballot proposal and must be audited annually.
Why are we proposing building an early childhood center when we already have one?
The current center needs significant repairs, both inside and out. Aside from that, it is not large enough to hold all preschool classes. Building a new early childhood center will provide a safe facility that brings all preschoolers together. It is an investment in our future, giving our children greater opportunities to prepare for a successful start in kindergarten.
Will the bond proposal support COVID-19 related changes?
At this time, the school district is setting plans for the 20/21 school year that include options for families. These plans will be solidified once the state sets the back-to-school guidelines. Once finalized, the district will share a detailed back-to-school plan with the entire community. The projects in the bond proposals, such as technology, technology infrastructure, and classroom remodeling—will help assure that the school district is better prepared to meet the educational needs of students next school year in person and through distance learning.
Wasn’t money from previous bond proposals supposed to pay for projects that are included in the August 4th bond proposal?
No. The projects in the August 4th bond proposal were not covered by previous bond proposals.
Do you know what schools will be getting renovations if the bond proposal passes?
Yes. The projects for each school posted on the district website.
Didn’t we just pass a bond for roofs and other upgrades?
Roof replacements and other upgrades were included in previous bond proposals. Items such as this are included in the August 4th bond proposal to take care of school facilities that were not scheduled for such improvements previously.
Why do people without school-age children have to pay school taxes?
For the same reason that all homeowners pay taxes to support other community services such as police and fire. These are the things that make a community desirable. It should also be noted that the Waterford School District provides numerous services to people without school-age children.